Lazy Sunday


Yesterday we spent our day relaxing and enjoying Sunday.  The boys asked that we NOT have "Sunday Funday" because they just wanted to stay home and play with Papa.  So stay we did, although Brian and the older boys took a short trip to buy arrows that John Paul has been saving for since his birthday.  I also got a new camera last week...the one Brian uses for work had broken so he bought a new one and then traded with me.  I've been learning how to use it and already I think it takes much better pictures than the old one (and it's much smaller!).  The boys all had a relaxing day.  I did, too, though I am not good at relaxing and often it makes me more tense in the evening if I didn't "do" anything all day.  I need planned relaxing and it's only truly relaxing when everything else is done and planned.  I'm working on it...sort of ;)

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