How to Strip Wallpaper (Without Really Trying)

Gather the minions.
Take the child's innate love of the spray bottle,
the desire to destroy, the need to climb,
affection for any sort of tool (especially one dubbed 'the claw'),
boundless energy, and a sense of competition.
You may then harness it into something that you actually want done.

Like stripping wallpaper.


Am I the only one who doesn't consider a stairwell a room?  And therefore, because the ugliness is not staring me in the face and only snidely laughing at me just when I go up and down the stairs, I sort of 'forget' that it needs to be done.

I tried to fix these pictures so they would look better but then realized that it was the subject that was ugly so it was a pointless task.  (Subject being the room, not my son...)

Um, yes, that is my David standing on a stool.  That is standing on the stairs.

We use "the claw" and then soak the paper in vinegar water.  Leave it for 30 seconds or so then peel.  Peel slowly and keep it wet.  A slow peel helps with getting the biggest pieces and there is something strangely satisfying about getting that big piece off.  It's therapeutic or something.  The removal sometimes has to be done in two layers, the first wallpaper layer, then the white layer underneath.  Just keep it wet and it comes right off.  Did you know cookie spatulas work WAY better for scraping wallpaper than any fancy wallpaper scraping tool?  And they're less dangerous?  Figured that out a few room redos back...

The snowy (yes snowy...and yes we were using the kiddie pool last week!) Saturday turned into something unexpected and productive.  By the end of the day the entire wall was stripped and is now ready to be scrubbed, patched and painted.

Now to decide paint colors, a task which I loathe and fear and dread.  Suggestions welcome.  Otherwise we'll be going with our white trim color for the wainscoat and Cottage Linen for the walls.  I know, yawn.  But I actually do like it and I LOVE white rooms and decor.  I have serious issues with picking colors.  I like way too many.  So I figure white is the presence of all colors and therefore is my best pick.  True story.  I'm not just boring.

So long, pineapples!  Watch out, horrific copper colored filthy carpet.  Once those walls are painted, you are NEXT to face the wrath that is little boys with tools.

1 comment

  1. Um, I would probably go with the colors you mentioned. Our our stairway is yellow as it is open to our kitchen. It used to be peach when we had an official hallway because it coordinated with all the bedroom colors.

    Can't wait to see the finished room.



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