One Day Less - In the Kitchen and at the Fence

Day 14

Heading into the kitchen today to lessen in a very practical sense.  My hope is to go through the pantry and fill a bag to bring to church tomorrow for the donation basket.  There are certainly things there that I can give to those who are hungry and need it far more than we do.

If the weather holds out, we're also heading out to sing at the fence for the prisoners this afternoon.  And the forecast is looking like it's going to be pretty frigid and snowy.  If you know me and cold, you'd know we are not good friends.  I'm a complete cold wimp.  I get cranky and short-tempered when I'm cold, more so when I'm trying to wrangle kids through snow.  I'm going to try my best not to utter one complaint.  It is such a blessing and a privilege to be able to make this tiny sacrifice and bring this small bit of love and joy to men, some of whom have never experienced love before.  We have this opportunity to bring Christ to them in such a real way and a little bit of shivering should be as nothing to that!  May God grant that I can think less of myself pouring all of my energy into loving these men and praying for their souls rather than turning inward on my own discomforts. 

1 comment

  1. You did great today Mary- a real trooper! You only showed joy, not one tiny hint of discomfort or distress. And the boys were terrific! So proud! It was a temptation to want to stay home in our warm houses and not venture out to the prison in this snowy weather, but one look at the expressions on those beautiful faces on the other side of the fence was enough to warm us thoroughly. What a privilege for us to share a bit of Jesus' love to them.


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