Just In Case I'm Not the Only One Ignoring Football...

Anyone out there?  

Am I the only one out there who feels like this


Probably?  I just don't get it and probably never will.  I don't mind football itself, really, and if we ever had a team with a bandwagon worth jumping on, I'd be into it.  But I feel on Superbowl Sunday like I do on New Year's Eve.  It just doesn't do much for me.  Besides, I am way too lazy to keep up with the commercial censoring if I was going to let the kids watch.  

Do you know what we did instead this afternoon?  We went ROLLERSKATING.  No joke.  It was fantastically fun and it was good to actually move my legs and I didn't fall or die ONCE.  John Paul had a ball and Michael was shaky at first but by the end was going around pretty darn good with the help of one of those pusher wheely things they have now.  David and Luke weren't too into it but they had a bouncy house and slide that entertained them well.  I don't think I've moved that much in weeks and since I made it around a good dozen times or so, pretty much I'm ready to sign up for roller derby.

I also forgot my camera so you don't get to see any pictures of me in my ultra-hip tan with orange wheels (so throwback, y'all!) roller-skates.  You're missing out, I know.   

Anyway, just in case you happen to be sitting bored with your laptop while the rest of the world is watching their futbol americano, I have some great links that I've been meaning to share here.  I know.  Some of them are like a few weeks old which in the internet world might as well be centuries.  But it's good stuff to read despite the ancientness.

Worth a click:

First off, if you haven't heard Father John Riccardo, oh you must start.  Yes, you must.  We've been listening to him on the local radio station when they air some of his talks on Sunday morning for a few years now.  We call it our second homily.  And HE GETS IT.  He so so gets it.  He's a parish priest from Michigan and I'm not even kidding when I say I would move out there just to be a part of what the Holy Spirit is doing there.  I highly recommend this page filled with podcasts from his homilies and talks.  And you don't even need to know how to do anything except press play.  EVEN I CAN DO IT!

Mandi wrote a very poignant piece that I think we all need to take to heart:

Haley's husband Daniel nailed it twice with these posts that I want the whole world to read:

Melody from Blossoming Joy broke the news that she'll be taking a blogging sabbatical.  Her words and thoughts always resonate with me and this piece sure did: 
But before you let go of her writing for a while, check out this post first.  So beautiful:

I'm so happy that CiRCE is now publishing Sarah's work.  Her encouragement for us homeschooling moms For When It Feels Like February was just what I needed.

And I always have to include something birthy in here :)
...yet another reminder ladies to please PLEASE trust your instincts.  Your baby's life could literally depend on it.

The ever eloquent Mrs. Foss wrote two pieces recently that I needed:

And lastly, I've spent the last few days, thanks to Deidre at Like Mother, Like Daughter, addicted to mastering the countries of the world with the games here at Sporcle.  I dare you to beat my record of listing and typing correctly all the countries of Europe in one minute and forty three seconds.  That's right.  Dare you.

Oh, it's Sunday, too!  That means it's Weekends with Chesterton and I've always loved this quote from Chesterton so I'm gonna put that on in here, too:

That's from The Everlasting Man which I've never actually read but that quote I do love.  Not much to elaborate on except to revel in the little bit of solace it gives in this struggle we call life.  And I think this is related to the reason that I've always found I can respect the vehement, passionate atheist more than I can the lukewarm believer.  For me, passion trumps indifference any day.

Click on over to Sarah's for more Chestertonian insights!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to mastering Asia...

Happy Superbowl Sunday Candlemas!


  1. Oooh thanks for all the good clicking. Im going to work my way through your links- or at least the ones I haven't see before.

    Fr John. Just amazing.

  2. We didn't watch the game either....we went to church instead. In my opinion, carving out extra time to worship God and learn about Him is a lot more fun and a better use of time.

    And rollerskating...we're going on Valentine's day. Not Kevin, just the girls and I, but I can't wait.

  3. Thanks for including my post! I haven't even heard of many of these others you mentioned so I'm excited to read! And I like birth stuff too :)

  4. Love Father John Ricardo! We listen on our local Catholic radio station here too! Especially love his bit on his mother and motherhood. Beautiful! Also, I'm with you on NYE. Doesn't do it for me either. Haha. Will be looking at the other clicks. Especially the one that has Crankies in it. I've had a case of the crankies lately and am trying to shake it!


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