A Daybook of Sci-Fi and Uteri

Outside my window...
A rising sun on yet another day that's supposed to be coolish for July.
This summer feels weird weather wise, right?  Or is that just me?  I feel like it's not summer and it's sort of just been slipping by.

Thankful for...
all your lovely encouragement on that post the other day.  I feel grateful that people got what I meant, that it was a source of encouragement, and that it seemed to resonate with so many people.

the gift of doulaing.  What a blessing it is.

and for health.

Thinking about...
homeschool plans and schedules.
Sarah has been such an inspiration in this area!
Hoping to share a bit of the plans for this coming year in this little space soon.  

"As John Paul makes clear, "Christ does not invite man to return to the state of original innocence, because humanity has left it irrevocably behind."  Rather, Christ calls us to find "the living forms of the 'new man.'   In this way a connection is formed, even a continuity, between the 'beginning' and the perspective of redemption.""  

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.  Have the same attitude toward all.  Put away ambitious thoughts and associate with those who are lowly."  
Romans 12:15-16

what makes each one of these little people tick.

how important it is to close the computer.

From the kitchen...
will be something caramelly today for the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.  I'm thinking ice cream sundaes perhaps?
If you're up to making your own caramel sauce, you must use this recipe.  It's easy and so so good.  You'll never buy again.  

a uterus.  No, really.
I'm knitting a uterus.  
Because why not, right?
I bought a model pelvis a few weeks ago to use for work with doula clients (you have no idea how weirdly exciting it was to get that box in the mail).  You can't have a pelvis without a uterus (well, unless you're a man I suppose) and I know how to knit and I found this here pattern so...

There she is.  In all her pink cotton glory.

She's almost done and I think it will actually be really helpful. 
I'm realizing more and more that the more clients know before their birth about how their body works and can visualize and work with it, the better their birth seems to go.  Just wait til I get started on the placenta :)

wait...are you ready for it?  (Probably, since you already saw it up there.)  I'm reading...science fiction.  
I know!  I, the one who eschews anything involving aliens or time travel or having the faintest hint of space, the one who turns her eyes from zombie fads and vampire fetishes, am working on C.S. Lewis' space trilogy at the prompting of a friend.  I think I like the stretch but I really don't see myself turning toward the genre any time soon ever.  There are some very profound insights and passages, though.  I just finished the first book and am heading into the second.  I'm pretty sure this one involves some time travel. *shudder*  

not many places this week!  Just a few meetings.  This week it's felt really good to organize the house a bit and settle my mind in the process.

Around the house...
we're working on painting the mudroom.  I started and Brian, because he is the awesomest and because I was being a baby and getting frustrated that it was harder than I pictured, seems to be finishing.  It's an ugly mudroom but I am always amazed at what coat of paint can do!  I'm sure I won't be able to resist showing you a picture or two when it's all done.

Have you noticed that I have done exactly zero gardening posts this year?  There's a reason.  With the trip in April and the off weather spring and so many other commitments, our garden is so so sad.  We've gotten a few lettuce leaves and hopefully we'll have a tomato harvest (I'm counting on those frozen tomatoes!) but the rest has been very disappointing.  I find it incredibly hard to go away that time of year when you need to be doing all the things outside to have a good year and when things are finally finally starting to get nice around here.  It's not all that easy to be a vegetable gardener in this climate.  I'm thinking we should permanently move Easter to May or June.  Anyone with me?  Or maybe we should just plan big trips accordingly.

for a reader who is grieving the loss of her unborn baby.  

for the unborn baby of a friend who has been diagnosed with a skeletal disorder.

for Nella.

Please pray with me?

Worth a click... 

The Bringing Felicity Home Auction is going on now!  
Come on over and help Katie and her family bring home their sweet daughter from China!

from CARM
from Leila...Yes, to all of it!
from Kendra
from Melody
from Jennifer Fitz
from CBN News...I really hope we learn more on this soon!
A picture thought to share..

You feel more empowered already, don't you?

Linking up for the first time in ages with Ginny for Yarn Along!


  1. You are too funny!! loved your last pic :):)

  2. The last picture is by far the best thing I have seen in a long while :)
    Can't wait to have our book discussion!

  3. Oh my goodness, a knitted uterus! You are crazy and I can see why you're an awesome doula!

  4. That is awesome! That last pic just made me smile so big. :)

  5. I'm just shaking my head at the last picture! You are too much...

  6. That is awesome! So is the knit placenta link you shared. Your reading list sounds very interesting.

  7. Thanks for the link and I LOVE your knit uterus. I think about that analogy from Husband Coached Childbirth about the baby coming out the neck end of a turtleneck. It's weirdly very helpful. The more you know . . . and all.

    1. I love and use that analogy, too. I think it's so helpful to really understand what's going on.

  8. I'm not a science fiction aficionado by any means, but I do love the Space Trilogy. Perelandra is definitely my fave.

  9. Oh, I LOVE it--a knit uterus!!! Crazy and wonderful and I can totally see what a good teaching tool it will be. What fun--makes me wish I knew how to knit. (-:

  10. Wow, you learn something new everyday! I didn't realize that my uterus was that big.


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