lately :: fourth week of Advent ::

We've had the best snowfalls the past few weeks.  Not too much, huge gentle flakes, snow globing the house.

I've been attempting to take turns with each of the boys to complete the Christmas baking.  Sometimes there's extra help.

Who needs overpriced Hershey kisses anyway??

I don't know how but with the longest possible of Advents and lighting them every night all through dinner they've still lasted.  Just call me Judah Maccabee.   (Or just roll them extra tight and use a whole sheet doing them tall wise.)

I spy the sweetest toddler in all the land.  This boy melts our hearts on the daily.

Caught chattering to the tree :)

The bedhead.  All day, erryday.

He's been working so SO hard for weeks on his gift for his brothers.  I'm kinda in awe of what he came up with and figured out how to do.

Our table looks very...Swedish.

It's been a good Advent.  The agitation it held at the beginning has given way to a greater surrendering to His will in the moment.  God has made certain calls clear and allowed me the grace to give up what couldn't fit or what wasn't reasonable without thinking twice.  My heart is full.  May the grace of Christmas be with you and yours in every way and may our celebration of the coming of Christ fill this suffering world with true peace and joy.  

1 comment

  1. A very blessed Christmastide to you and your family too Mary!


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