The Birth of David Dominic


  1. Hi there.

    You have no idea who I am, but I found your blog through Carrots for Michaelmas. I just wanted to thank you for posting your birth story. I am 5 weeks away from baby number one, and I love hearing other people's experiences. I don't know that I would be 'brave' (if that's the word) to post something so personal, but I'm so glad that you (and others) are - it is really encouraging, and comforting, to know that labour can be a beautiful thing.

    Thank you, and God bless. x

    1. Thank you so much for saying that! Birth stories have been so helpful for me so I figured perhaps I could give back a bit. I'm so glad it was helpful. May you have a beautiful, holy, happy birth! Congratulations!

  2. Reading through birth stories via the Camp linkup. What a sweet birth story you had. It was beautiful and had me teary! I have 2 boys and a 3rd on the way, so seeing them (in the photo) meet their little baby brother was priceless. God bless. ~Rachel


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