Yarn Along

I feel like a real knitter now.  Oh, not because I've actually wrote out two little patterns.  And not because it's my go-to mode of unwinding and relaxing at night.  No, not because I now know how to cable and kfpsso and such.  But because I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on fancy yarn.

I went to the real yarn store a few weeks ago and left feeling inspired and guilty and with a bag full of beautiful yarn for which I only had the vaguest plans.  But boy is that place tempting...  Right now, I'm using a Madeline Tosh merino.  That's right.  I saw the name in the yarn store and was all like "hey, that's the GOOD stuff."  So the girl who has put back the skein at Michael's because it was $5 and I didn't have my 40% off coupon just bought a hank of $20 yarn.  But it is sooo worth it.  It knits up so much better and looks so much nicer than the cheap stuff and the color I just love.  It's called 'Bungalow' and I was so proud of myself for picking something that looked sort of weird on the hank but I trusted that it would knit up beautifully.  The variegated yarns sort of turn me off when they're on the skein but I love them so much more than the plain when they are actually worked.  

So, what am I knitting?  This is a Milo vest for my almost three year old's birthday coming up in a few weeks.  In his favorite color green, of course.  I think it's neat that the colors are almost coming up to have sort of a camouflage look.  And I just love the Milo pattern.  I made my husband watch as the circular knit suddenly transformed with one row and took shape into a little 3-D vest top.  I love that part.  He wasn't as mesmerized as I hoped he would be.  Silly man.  I mean, who WOULDN'T want to watch someone else knit, right?

John Paul and I are half way through The King of the Golden City.  What a beauty of a book!  It's a very obvious allegory but still really well done and I've been taking a lot out of it as well.  I also have just one chapter left in Life of Christ by the great Sheen.  I highly recommend this book.  It's taken me about eight months to get through but it is so well worth it and now I want to go back and go all crazy with the highlighter so I can burn this stuff into my brain better.  Lastly, we're going to be starting Charlotte's Web as a read aloud together.  I'm thinking this sounds like a good spring read and we just finished listening to the audio Trumpet of the Swan also by E.B. White.  After hearing that one on various car rides, the boys wanted to start Charlotte right away.  I'm looking forward to sitting outside and reading with them and hoping for more beautiful sunny days like we had the other day to make that happen.

Heading over to Ginny's to see what others are creating...

Have a great day!


  1. Best wishes with knitting with all that goodness.
    Also, I will have to look up Life of Christ - it sounds like a great read.

  2. that is so cute, yes, mad tosh and silly men! congratulations on the beautiful wool, it's gorgeous.


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