And Then He Was Six - A Simple Lego Birthday

Thank you to Charlotte, Jessica, and Google for many of the Lego ideas!
And thank you to the family and friends who helped us celebrate our sweet Michael's special day :)


  1. Wow! You did a great job with all the decorations. Was the cake difficult to make? Looks like you are a professional cake decorator!

  2. That cakes looks delish! Who did you get the yellow tint? Food coloring or natural? Will you make me my birthday cake?!

    1. It's the natural yellow dye from India Tree that I found on clearance at Wegman's a few months ago! They just use turmeric to get the color which I've tried in the past but in this liquid form it doesn't have the graininess. I was excited that it got the perfect shade of Lego yellow :)

  3. Happy Birthday Michael! It looks like you had a great day.

    Great job on the cake, Mary.


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