The Simple Road Epiphany :: Weekends With Chesterton

I couldn't let Sarah's inaugural Weekends With Chesterton go by without linking up Chesterton's poem for...wait for it...Epiphany!  Really he had one!  How perfect is that?  

I won't pretend to be an expert in Chesterton or to even understand all the meaning behind his words but the line that most jumped out at me was

So very simple is the road, That we may stray from it.

I feel as though God has been reminding me of this for the past month, bringing me back to the simplicity that is Him.  Past my tendency to overanalyze, to critique, to overplan, my vices, reminding me that what I want more than anything, anything, is to be with Him, to love Him, to do His will.  More than anything else, I want what He wants for me and I want Him.  That's it.  That's the point of this whole life thing I'm doing.  Simple.  Not easy, but simple.


  1. How cool is that?!? Excellent find! Going now to share ot with my family....

  2. Beautiful. I love the line you drew out too! My husband is always so good at trying to bring us back to the simple life. I stray for sure. Always so easily! Great find and so perfect for today!

  3. I love the beautiful format you set it in! Truly love this!

  4. Beautiful poem....I hadn't read that one. Thanksf or sharing.

  5. Excellent choice - I love his poetry too. Rich food for the mind.

  6. I can't believe you found a poem on Epiphany for Epiaphany by Chesterton on my first Weekend with Chesterton. I don't have any experience with Chestertons poetry (yet!) but this was a lovely first taste. :)

  7. This is quite beautiful, Mary. I often come here, don't think i've ever left a comment though! I enjoy your blog very much and you seem to have a beautiful family. Your boys are just adorable. I noticed up in your blog heading the Augustine quote, which I love. Have you by chance heard of Audrey Assad? She's a wonderful Catholic recording artist with an album dedicated to the theme "Fortunate Fall." Check it out...God bless!

    1. Welcome! I have heard of her but have never heard her music. I thought the same thing when I heard the title of her album! I've heard amazing things, though, so I think it's time to check her out!

  8. Such a beautiful poem - thanks for sharing!


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