Blessed the Pacifiers


  1. Ohhh I love this! Ive been told this a number of times too and just didn't see why it was a problem that my baby wanted his mama *again*. And not only that he wanted me but that I could settle him so sweetly! It really has been such a gift to be able to nurse my boys thus far! Pray I can do the same for this little one! :)

  2. Sharing with my La Leche League mommies! So beautiful! Thank you for posting.

  3. Thank you for these beautiful words! I'm still often the pacifier to my three yo son and that's OK by me because he's only my little guy for a short time and I want to be there for him always. It's so sad how far our society has started from the natural order of things, especially the purpose of women's breasts as the way babies and toddlers are nourished and comforted.

    1. If I've learned anything these past eleven years it's that every stage is so passing in the greater scheme even if it feels like eternity in the moment!

  4. I needed to hear this tonight as I sit here with my 8 week old baby who has wanted to nurse every 20 minutes for the last 4 hours.

    1. You're doing a good work <3 Hope it maybe meant that you got a good stretch of sleep after :)

  5. Yesssssss. Thank you. My 13 month old is teething, and I needed this.

  6. Aw, this is so beautiful! I treasured all my nursing hours. And I was so, so grateful when my baby had to have bilateral inguinal hernia repair when he was two---and I was still nursing him. It seemed to me such a beautiful, peaceful, comforting and quick recovery. Made it SO worth all those negative jabs that those who don't understand like to give. Keep up the good work!!!

    1. I had a smaller but similar experience with one of my kids who needed to have a biopsy done. It was definitely a blessing to be able to soothe him right away!

  7. I believe 'being the pacifier' has benefits for us, mothers. I often reflect on how fortunate I am to be able to breastfeed because it makes me slow down, to be, and being the pacifier is part of that

  8. Thank you. Please keep on writing. You don't know me, but your writing is inspiring to many moms. Especially ones like me that may not have the best support system. Sometimes it is so hard to live in this world. It helps to see others walk the walk with you.

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement! It means a lot. You're definitely not alone :)


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